The Bible Society in Northern Ireland is encouraging people from all walks of life to participate in producing a Handwritten Bible for Ireland. Many church and school groups have already written their parts. Recently, seventeen members of Clounagh Junior High School's Scripture Union took part in the project under the guidance of Mrs Rosemary Clarke (head of RE and SU leader). The pupils had to copy several Psalms and part of the Gospel of St. John.
Year 8 pupil Luke Flannigan wrote the following about his involvement in the Handwritten Bible project: "When I was writing out the Scriptures, I felt under pressure, in case I made a mistake. Now I know how the scribes felt in Bible times. They must have been very frustrated when they made a mistake, because they had to start a new skin. Fortunately for me, all I had to do was to rule a line through any mistake."
Participating pupils are shown in the bottom photo with their certificates (back row, from left): Sarah Boyd, David Bell, Chloe Wilson, Christopher Anderson, Rachel Crozier, Andrew Taylor. (Front row) Stephen Wilson, Luke Flannigan, Ryan Gordon, Rachel Saunderson, Jamie Caughey, Samuel Harper. Also participating were Megan Emerson and Courtney McCann (top photo, 2nd & 3rd from left).